contact the reunion committee
Lee-Davis High School Logo

CLASS OF '70  


E-mails on File
Verified Addresses
Unverified Address
No Address On File

Reunion Committee:
Ann Bullock Melton
Marilyn Dement Hoskins
Darlene Diehr Mills
Clinton Hues
Grayson Jennings
Bobby King
Susan Lewis Crouch
Sandy Pannell Robbins
Dean Roberson

Website Admin:
Clinton Hues

68 of us have added our profiles to the Alumni Directory, so far.

Combined, we have 113 children, 158 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.

6 of us served in the U.S. Armed Forces.

41 of us spent a combined total of 154 years earning 9 Associates, 24 Bachelors, 10 Masters and 4 Doctorate degrees.

Our most-traveled? One of us has visited 48 U.S. States or Territories, and another has visited 48 foreign countries.

3 of us have birthdays this month, and 3 of us have birthdays in August.

Currently, 29 of us are retired.

The Alumni Directory

(Add your profile. It's 100% FREE!)




Billboard's Hot 100

Top Songs: 1969-1970
missing classmates  | message board  | in memoriam '70  | online RSVP form

t h e   c l a s s   o f   1 9 7 0
M E S S A G E   B O A R D

Don't be shy!  We want to hear from you!
Your Name:

Your e-Mail:
Write your message here:

   (Your IP: 
Note: Sharing your e-mail address is optional. All other information is required.

  31 messages have been added so far.

 Lee-Davis Day Reunion -- by: Joe YarbroughFeb. 4, 2022 - 2:23:37PM  
Hey everyone, I have reserved a tent space for our class. If anyone has a tent, please let me know; 804-356-3300 or jyarbrough171@msn.com. We need a show of force. This event is selling out fast. Get your tickets soon. Let's the Goodtimes roll.

Posted Thursday 2/3 ALL FUTURE POSTS WILL BE ON:

That High School Reunion page, please go like it! I apologize for clogging up the feed and soon things will be set so the message Will be the message but in the meantime. We have That High School Reunion a.k.a. Lee-Davis Day sponsored by: 360 Donuts, Donald Rozell and Michael Herzberg well under way. May 7, 2022 10 to 5 at Hanover- Cold Harbor Ruritan Park. Tickets are available: Lee-davis-day@ticketleap.com Kids 12 and under are free. We have two bands, Danny Kensy and Little Tangents. We also have DJ Claude Dickerson. We have handicap and VIP parking. We have our classes brining canopies to surround the event with love! There will be prizes for Best School Spirit and Best Turn Out. They are as follows: 59, 61, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79. 80, 81, 83. 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 92, 20 We will get to hang with John Loving '90 a.k.a. The Nature Boy! We have food trucks and vendors with Mike's BBQ and Holly Berbert selling official LD Day gear and more to be announced. We have a mini car show in the classic corral. We will have Claude Dickerson's photo booth and Richard Shifflett as our grounds photographer. Also. Bill Walton has offered to fly the drone for that ariel shot that should look great! This should be a good Reunion and possibly unique for a School of our size and history. With that being said I think this is pretty unique. A reunion of 61 years of thousands of students. We can only go up from here, friends! OK, time for a polite request and only folks because it has come up more than twice now. This is and will be an all inclusive Reunion with good vibes and good times. I have respect for All LD Family members and per request there will by a beer truck however this is not a drinking party or a Rebel Flag fest, please. I'm sure you all agree and thank you for doing so. ?? Stay tuned as more announcements will come closer we get. Thank you! David Herring

 Reunion -- by: Sonny RobertsonMar. 10, 2020 - 1:27:36PM  
Looking forward to 50th reunion, I missed the last one. Retired from Philip Morris.Enjoy reading updates from fellow classmates.

 Death Notice -- by: Joe YarbroughAug. 1, 2018 - 10:07:39AM  
Ray Walker passed away, February 18, 2017. Please post.

 Death Notice -- by: Joe YarbroughAug. 1, 2018 - 10:05:45AM  
Ray Walker passed away, February 18, 2017. Please post.

 Death notice -- by: Linwood PegramJul. 23, 2017 - 12:04:52PM  
Sharon Crump Stanley has passed away July 19, 2017. Please verify and post.

 Our Class Reunion -- by: Wanda Allen WitherowSep. 11, 2015 - 9:11:58PM  
I will miss being there. Have fun! Wanda

 Our Class Reunion -- by: Karla Sale OgdenAug. 4, 2015 - 9:50:34AM  
So sorry to miss seeing you guys! Hope to make it for the 50th!

 Great to see you all. -- by: Tommy CookFeb. 5, 2011 - 6:32:22PM  
It was great to see many of you at the reunion.Lee Davis was a Great HS Class of 70 one of the Best.Any one want to contact me .Try facebook T.Hank Cook or thankcook.com Would like to see some of you again .Will E mail you.Double wink to the special lady who Rememberd me.You know who you are.

 picture link -- by: BONNIE MCFARLANDNov. 26, 2010 - 11:27:35AM  
to whomever sees this,i would like the reunion link website for reunion picture

 class reunion -- by: bonnie mckay mcfarlaNov. 7, 2010 - 5:17:29PM  

 Thanks -- by: Dean RobersonNov. 5, 2010 - 5:45:34PM  
Speaking as an attendee I would like to agree that it was WONDERFUL seeing so many familiar faces after such a long sabatical. The warmth and friendship in the room was palpable & it fit like an old shoe! I only have one regret & that's that I didn't have enough time to get reaquainted with everyone. I'm going to rectify that at the next reunion! I also wanted to say to all of you that attended that we couldn't have done it without YOU! Thanks for taking the time & effort to attend. It seems that everyone had a great time and hopefully with YOUR help we can get the rest of our classmates as excited as we were to attend the next reunion.

Speaking as a committee member, I would like first thank all my fellow committee members for all their hard work & perseverence & issue a hearty ATTA BOY & GIRL for your most excellant performance.It was great working with each & every one of you. THANK YOU! I'm looking foward to meeting Monday night to begin planning our next reunion. See you then & thanks again.


Dean Roberson

 Had So Much Fun -- by: Sharon Spicer RobbinNov. 3, 2010 - 7:37:15PM  
everybody out there, I wanted to say how much fun I had at the reunion. Thanks to all on the committee for putting this together. It was awesome. Sharing good ole times and seeing how well everyone was doing made the night so very special..I am so glad I did not miss this opportunity to revisit the past and a good past at that. We have so much to be thankful for. Hope to see everyone at the next one.

 reunion -- by: Leroy RiceNov. 3, 2010 - 6:26:38PM  
You too Anita. Super party spot. You won't bad yourself. LeRoy

 40th Reunion Festivities -- by: Bobby KingNov. 3, 2010 - 12:37:32AM  
Wow! What a great reunion weekend! I certainly second Leroy's comment below--the Reunion Committee ( Joan, Anne, Dean, Amy, Grayson, Darlene, Susan, Sandy, David & Bobby) did a fantastic job and deserve a big "thank you". A special thanks to Bobby Hamil for being our website administrator and kicking this reunion effort off and allowing us a vehicle to stay in touch with.

Walking in to the football game Friday night I don't think anyone had any idea what to expect--it had been easily 25 years since I had been there. As we got to the section reserved for the "Class of 1970" familiar faces began to emerge--yeah--there were a few more wrinkles and maybe a few more pounds here and there--a little less hair (or grayer hair) in some cases--but the smiles and the eyes were the same. Within minutes--it seemed as if we had never been apart. To make the night better-- LD won the football game.

The reunion Saturday night was wonderful. Great food, music, venue and most of all great conversation and memories. Seeing old friends and classmates--reliving old memories and creating new ones.

Even though there were bets in place that most of us would be gone and headed to bed by 10:00pm that night--(as we are nearing 60)--the reunion continued on until around 1:00am.

The mood was warm, relaxed and cordial--friends and classmates; most of whom had not seen each other in at least 20 or so years reminiscing and sharing with each other.

For all of you that were at the reunion, it was really great seeing and being with you again. Whenever you get to Seattle, please get in touch.

For those classmates that were unable to attend or chose not to attend for some reason, we missed you and hope to see you at the next reunion.

Best regards.

Bobby King

 Reunion weekend -- by: Leroy RiceNov. 2, 2010 - 8:30:34PM  
Joan, Amy, Darlene, Grayson, Susan, Sandy, David, Dean, Anne, Bobby: Thank you. You guys nailed it. That was the best weekend I've had in years. Just a bunch of kids in the playground again. Forever yours. LeRoy

 Our Class Reunion -- by: Donna Holt ElmoreOct. 30, 2010 - 9:18:31AM  
My journey from highschool days has taken lots of turns to get to where I am today. I gained a lot of practical knowledge from commercial, construction, mortage lending to retail branch banking experience, a little real estate investment success and then into construction where I now own an underground utility business, specializing in water and sewer. Between banking and construction, I trained, coached and showed hunter horses, producing 6 champians, one of which won a Medal at Madison Square Gardens, which is the highest honor that can be achieved just under an olympic medal. Also achieved trainer of the year award in Virginia. I have a daughter 42, who is a pilot with United Airlines and a son 25, who sells for C. H. Robinson, a logistics company like UPS serving freight carriers.

 Missing Reunion -- by: Anne Wilkinson SchloOct. 28, 2010 - 10:50:08PM  
I'm not going to be able to attend... something's come up that I need to stay here for - I'm bummed.

Thank you to the organizing committee for doing such a good job - wish I could have helped in some way (being on the "organizing committee" Please post pictures - Guess I can look forward to the next time! Anne

 ? -- by: joe preziosoOct. 13, 2010 - 10:25:58PM  
I remember seeing Karla once when I accidently hit the horn on my mail truck and she came to the door. I ran into Bonnie McKay immediately after surgery (don't ask what) at Retreat Hospital and I always wondered what became of Evelyn Bowles. Wasn"t it Somoa she moved to. It sounded so exotic.

 Payment for Reunion -- by: Ann PowellSep. 30, 2010 - 4:59:48AM  
I didn't see on the RSVP where to use Pay Pal to pay for the reunion. Please let me know how I can finish with my RSVP. Thanks! Ann

 Our Class Reunion -- by: John ShawSep. 22, 2010 - 6:49:59PM  
I am the Director of Planning and Zoning for Mathews County, Virginia.

t h e   c l a s s   o f   1 9 7 0
M E S S A G E   B O A R D

Don't be shy!  We want to hear from you!
Your Name:

Your e-Mail:
Write your message here:

   (Your IP: 
Note: Sharing your e-mail address is optional. All other information is required.

  31 messages have been added so far.

 Lee-Davis Day Reunion -- by: Joe YarbroughFeb. 4, 2022 - 2:23:37PM  
Hey everyone, I have reserved a tent space for our class. If anyone has a tent, please let me know; 804-356-3300 or jyarbrough171@msn.com. We need a show of force. This event is selling out fast. Get your tickets soon. Let's the Goodtimes roll.

Posted Thursday 2/3 ALL FUTURE POSTS WILL BE ON:

That High School Reunion page, please go like it! I apologize for clogging up the feed and soon things will be set so the message Will be the message but in the meantime. We have That High School Reunion a.k.a. Lee-Davis Day sponsored by: 360 Donuts, Donald Rozell and Michael Herzberg well under way. May 7, 2022 10 to 5 at Hanover- Cold Harbor Ruritan Park. Tickets are available: Lee-davis-day@ticketleap.com Kids 12 and under are free. We have two bands, Danny Kensy and Little Tangents. We also have DJ Claude Dickerson. We have handicap and VIP parking. We have our classes brining canopies to surround the event with love! There will be prizes for Best School Spirit and Best Turn Out. They are as follows: 59, 61, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79. 80, 81, 83. 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 92, 20 We will get to hang with John Loving '90 a.k.a. The Nature Boy! We have food trucks and vendors with Mike's BBQ and Holly Berbert selling official LD Day gear and more to be announced. We have a mini car show in the classic corral. We will have Claude Dickerson's photo booth and Richard Shifflett as our grounds photographer. Also. Bill Walton has offered to fly the drone for that ariel shot that should look great! This should be a good Reunion and possibly unique for a School of our size and history. With that being said I think this is pretty unique. A reunion of 61 years of thousands of students. We can only go up from here, friends! OK, time for a polite request and only folks because it has come up more than twice now. This is and will be an all inclusive Reunion with good vibes and good times. I have respect for All LD Family members and per request there will by a beer truck however this is not a drinking party or a Rebel Flag fest, please. I'm sure you all agree and thank you for doing so. ?? Stay tuned as more announcements will come closer we get. Thank you! David Herring

 Reunion -- by: Sonny RobertsonMar. 10, 2020 - 1:27:36PM  
Looking forward to 50th reunion, I missed the last one. Retired from Philip Morris.Enjoy reading updates from fellow classmates.

 Death Notice -- by: Joe YarbroughAug. 1, 2018 - 10:07:39AM  
Ray Walker passed away, February 18, 2017. Please post.

 Death Notice -- by: Joe YarbroughAug. 1, 2018 - 10:05:45AM  
Ray Walker passed away, February 18, 2017. Please post.

 Death notice -- by: Linwood PegramJul. 23, 2017 - 12:04:52PM  
Sharon Crump Stanley has passed away July 19, 2017. Please verify and post.

 Our Class Reunion -- by: Wanda Allen WitherowSep. 11, 2015 - 9:11:58PM  
I will miss being there. Have fun! Wanda

 Our Class Reunion -- by: Karla Sale OgdenAug. 4, 2015 - 9:50:34AM  
So sorry to miss seeing you guys! Hope to make it for the 50th!

 Great to see you all. -- by: Tommy CookFeb. 5, 2011 - 6:32:22PM  
It was great to see many of you at the reunion.Lee Davis was a Great HS Class of 70 one of the Best.Any one want to contact me .Try facebook T.Hank Cook or thankcook.com Would like to see some of you again .Will E mail you.Double wink to the special lady who Rememberd me.You know who you are.

 picture link -- by: BONNIE MCFARLANDNov. 26, 2010 - 11:27:35AM  
to whomever sees this,i would like the reunion link website for reunion picture

 class reunion -- by: bonnie mckay mcfarlaNov. 7, 2010 - 5:17:29PM  

 Thanks -- by: Dean RobersonNov. 5, 2010 - 5:45:34PM  
Speaking as an attendee I would like to agree that it was WONDERFUL seeing so many familiar faces after such a long sabatical. The warmth and friendship in the room was palpable & it fit like an old shoe! I only have one regret & that's that I didn't have enough time to get reaquainted with everyone. I'm going to rectify that at the next reunion! I also wanted to say to all of you that attended that we couldn't have done it without YOU! Thanks for taking the time & effort to attend. It seems that everyone had a great time and hopefully with YOUR help we can get the rest of our classmates as excited as we were to attend the next reunion.

Speaking as a committee member, I would like first thank all my fellow committee members for all their hard work & perseverence & issue a hearty ATTA BOY & GIRL for your most excellant performance.It was great working with each & every one of you. THANK YOU! I'm looking foward to meeting Monday night to begin planning our next reunion. See you then & thanks again.


Dean Roberson

 Had So Much Fun -- by: Sharon Spicer RobbinNov. 3, 2010 - 7:37:15PM  
everybody out there, I wanted to say how much fun I had at the reunion. Thanks to all on the committee for putting this together. It was awesome. Sharing good ole times and seeing how well everyone was doing made the night so very special..I am so glad I did not miss this opportunity to revisit the past and a good past at that. We have so much to be thankful for. Hope to see everyone at the next one.

 reunion -- by: Leroy RiceNov. 3, 2010 - 6:26:38PM  
You too Anita. Super party spot. You won't bad yourself. LeRoy

 40th Reunion Festivities -- by: Bobby KingNov. 3, 2010 - 12:37:32AM  
Wow! What a great reunion weekend! I certainly second Leroy's comment below--the Reunion Committee ( Joan, Anne, Dean, Amy, Grayson, Darlene, Susan, Sandy, David & Bobby) did a fantastic job and deserve a big "thank you". A special thanks to Bobby Hamil for being our website administrator and kicking this reunion effort off and allowing us a vehicle to stay in touch with.

Walking in to the football game Friday night I don't think anyone had any idea what to expect--it had been easily 25 years since I had been there. As we got to the section reserved for the "Class of 1970" familiar faces began to emerge--yeah--there were a few more wrinkles and maybe a few more pounds here and there--a little less hair (or grayer hair) in some cases--but the smiles and the eyes were the same. Within minutes--it seemed as if we had never been apart. To make the night better-- LD won the football game.

The reunion Saturday night was wonderful. Great food, music, venue and most of all great conversation and memories. Seeing old friends and classmates--reliving old memories and creating new ones.

Even though there were bets in place that most of us would be gone and headed to bed by 10:00pm that night--(as we are nearing 60)--the reunion continued on until around 1:00am.

The mood was warm, relaxed and cordial--friends and classmates; most of whom had not seen each other in at least 20 or so years reminiscing and sharing with each other.

For all of you that were at the reunion, it was really great seeing and being with you again. Whenever you get to Seattle, please get in touch.

For those classmates that were unable to attend or chose not to attend for some reason, we missed you and hope to see you at the next reunion.

Best regards.

Bobby King

 Reunion weekend -- by: Leroy RiceNov. 2, 2010 - 8:30:34PM  
Joan, Amy, Darlene, Grayson, Susan, Sandy, David, Dean, Anne, Bobby: Thank you. You guys nailed it. That was the best weekend I've had in years. Just a bunch of kids in the playground again. Forever yours. LeRoy

 Our Class Reunion -- by: Donna Holt ElmoreOct. 30, 2010 - 9:18:31AM  
My journey from highschool days has taken lots of turns to get to where I am today. I gained a lot of practical knowledge from commercial, construction, mortage lending to retail branch banking experience, a little real estate investment success and then into construction where I now own an underground utility business, specializing in water and sewer. Between banking and construction, I trained, coached and showed hunter horses, producing 6 champians, one of which won a Medal at Madison Square Gardens, which is the highest honor that can be achieved just under an olympic medal. Also achieved trainer of the year award in Virginia. I have a daughter 42, who is a pilot with United Airlines and a son 25, who sells for C. H. Robinson, a logistics company like UPS serving freight carriers.

 Missing Reunion -- by: Anne Wilkinson SchloOct. 28, 2010 - 10:50:08PM  
I'm not going to be able to attend... something's come up that I need to stay here for - I'm bummed.

Thank you to the organizing committee for doing such a good job - wish I could have helped in some way (being on the "organizing committee" Please post pictures - Guess I can look forward to the next time! Anne

 ? -- by: joe preziosoOct. 13, 2010 - 10:25:58PM  
I remember seeing Karla once when I accidently hit the horn on my mail truck and she came to the door. I ran into Bonnie McKay immediately after surgery (don't ask what) at Retreat Hospital and I always wondered what became of Evelyn Bowles. Wasn"t it Somoa she moved to. It sounded so exotic.

 Payment for Reunion -- by: Ann PowellSep. 30, 2010 - 4:59:48AM  
I didn't see on the RSVP where to use Pay Pal to pay for the reunion. Please let me know how I can finish with my RSVP. Thanks! Ann

 Our Class Reunion -- by: John ShawSep. 22, 2010 - 6:49:59PM  
I am the Director of Planning and Zoning for Mathews County, Virginia.


•• ALUMNI ••

Alumni Directory
Alumni Tribute

Vickey Bennett Hall  
Catherine Howle  
George Neagle  
Sandra Pannell Robbins  
Anne Wilkinson Schloesser  
Melinda Williams Davis  

sign in to see dates

Thomas Frith  
Thomas McIntyre  
William Medlin  
Joseph Prezioso  
James Sauvager  
Joseph Yarbrough  

sign in for details


Classmates in the U.S.
 North Carolina
 South Carolina
 Virginia 145 

Totals include confirmed and unconfirmed addresses as input by the reunion committee.

Website Questions, Problems or Suggestions? Contact the programmer HERE.
(Note: Please use the "Contact Us" link in the left column to contact your Reunion Organizing Committee.)

LeeDavisReunions.com is independently operated and is not affiliated with
Lee-Davis High School or Hanover County Public Schools.