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Lee Davis High School
55th Reunion – Class of 1966
Date: Friday, September 17, 2021
Time: 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Buffet at noon.
Location: Hanover Golf/Country Club
14314 Country Club Dr., Ashland, VA 23005
Dress: Business/Casual
RSVP Deadline: September 3, 2021
Cost: $25.00 per person
To RSVP send this form with check made payable to:
Judith Beasley
6180 Buff Ridge Drive
Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Holly Hawa Wachsmuth 804-387-9146 softballnana3@gmail.com
Janet Rhodes Rickman 804-512-8440 jrick8150@gmail.com
Judy Wishon Beasley 804-339-6318 claudebeasley6180@comcast.net
LDHS Class of ’66 Reunion - Clip and return with your check. If you can’t come, please return with your contact information so we can keep in touch.
Your Name: ___________________________________________________
Guest Name:___________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________ Amt. Enclosed ____________
Phone Numbers: Home _______________________ Cell _______________________
Retired: Yes___ No___