Reunion Committee:
Billy Beasley, Chairman
Eddie Booth
Mike Dixon
Michele Lugene Faison
Martha Jeter Coullier
Allen King & Nancy Campbell King, Class of 1971 Officers
Julie Mann Beasley
Jeff Underdown, Treasurer
Christine Witherow King
Website Admin:
Christine Witherow King
68 of us have added our profiles to the Alumni Directory, so far.
Combined, we have 121 children, 133 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren.
7 of us served in the U.S. Armed Forces.
38 of us spent a combined total of 143 years earning 6 Associates, 29 Bachelors, 8 Masters and 2 Doctorate degrees.
Our most-traveled? One of us has visited 47 U.S. States or Territories, and another has visited 35 foreign countries.
5 of us have birthdays this month, and 7 of us have birthdays in February.
Classmates Celebrated "40" Years on October 15, 2011
at "Henry Clay Inn" in Ashland, VA.
(Pictured Above)
Johnny Aigner, Debra Bacci Walker, Mike Bagby, Billy Beasley,Tommy Blake, Sheila Boettcher Wade, Carolyn Boon Stowers, Eddie Booth, Linda Broach Cluff, Bill Brooks, Carolyn Campbell Mondy, Nancy Campbell King, Kathy Casterline Huneycutt, Marvin Cephas, Warren Cersley, Kathy Christian Masters, Wayne Clark, Karen Cole Wright, Mark Compton, Jake Davis, Jane Diacont Donovan, Mike Dixon, Lugene Faison, Brent Farmer, Judy Goode Kirby, Jane Gouldin Watkins, Frank Harris, Martha Jeter Coullier, Debbie Johnson Olphin, Allen King, Van Kirby, Wayne Kirby, Susan Kreynus Prince, Peggy Lowen Briley, Pat Lyle Pike, Margie Mahanes Terry, Terri Michalek Edwards, Lynn Mooney, Sue Mundie Talley, Debbie Olphin Sanford, Billy Parrish, Dwight Payne, Gerald Pierce, George Rice, Dave Russell, Larry Sauvager, Becky Sparks, Don Tate, Yvonne Taylor Hollingsworth, Bryant Thorpe, Roy Toman, Jeff Underdown, Charles Waddell, Eddie Wagner, Ricky Weisensale, Barbara Wells Wood, Mike West, Jennifer White Pilgreen, Ronnie Williams, Christine Witherow King